2018--2019学年外研版必修五module 1 British and American English reading教案
2018--2019学年外研版必修五module 1 British and American English reading教案第2页

2.Enable the students to improve their reading comprehension.

IV. Teaching Difficult Points

 1.Understand the following sentence correctly.

  They recently exchanged insults that (some say) make them seem like school-aged children.

 2. How to help the students understand the passage better.

V. Teaching Methods

1.Task-based method to make students interested in what they will learn.

 2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage.

3. Careful reading to get some detailed information.

VI. Teaching Aids:

  1. A blackboard

2. A projector and a computer for multimedia

VII. Teaching procedures

Step I Lead in (3 minutes)

引用一位语言学家名言,强化学生对词汇重视性,激发鼓励学生大胆阅读VOA 网站上关于美国总统趣闻。


Step II pre-reading (3minutes)

  There's no doubt that vocabulary plays an important part in English study. Just as a famous linguist said, without grammar only little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. So today we'll read and enjoy several English articles using the words we've grasped.

Step III. While-reading(8minutes)

 1. Fast reading(3minutes)

Ask the students to read the passage quickly and tell me the main idea of the news. (on the screen)

American President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden exchanged insults , which is so childish.

 2. Careful reading (5minutes)

(1) useful words and phrases:

appropriate = proper inappropriate exchanged insults grab