七下英语Unit7 It's raining教学设计教案免费下载7
七下英语Unit7 It's raining教学设计教案免费下载7第3页

单元教学安排   共六课时,每课时45分钟

  第一节 听说课 Section A 1a-2c

  第二节 语法课 Section A 2d-3c

  第三节 听说课 Section B 1a-1e

  第四节 阅读课 Section B 2a-2c

  第五节 写作 Section B 3a-3b

  第六节 复习课 整体复习及Self-check

二、教学目标 语言知识  1. 能理解并运用下列词汇(Curriculum words)

weather, rain, snow, park, message, problem, Canada, summer, juice, vacation, Europe, mountain, country, winter, cook, could, visit, sit, skate, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowy, rainy, bad, dry, cold, hot, warm, Russian, back, again, soon, hard, him

2. 能正确使用以下表达(Useful expressions)

take a message, call sb. back, on vacation, right now, nothing much, say "hi" to

 3. 能正确使用现在进行时态(Present progressive tense)

 I'm having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.

 Are you studying hard, or are you having fun?

 A: What are you doing?

 B: I'm playing basketball with some friends at the park.

 A: What's he doing?

 B: He's studying at his friend's home.

 4. 能用how引导的问句表达问候(How questions)

 A: How's the weather in Boston? B: It's windy.

 A: How's it going? B: Not bad, thanks.

 A: How's your summer vacation going? B: Great!   语言技能  1. 能够在听前根据图片预测听力内容(Be able to predict by pictures before listening)

 2. 能够根据听到的语句识别句子 (Be able to recognize what they have heard and check them)

 3. 能够听懂并参与谈论天气的对话(Be able to understand conversations about weather)

 4. 能够读懂明信片文体,并掌握这一文体结构

 5. 能够借助上下文语境猜出部分词汇的含义

 6. 能根据词汇的含义、性质、特点等分类记忆单元词汇

 7. 能根据阅读语篇内容构建思维导图

 8. 能通过各种方式搜集有关天气的信息和资料

 9. 能够写简单的作文描述天气及自己正在做的事