Unit9 What does he look like教学设计教案免费下载17
Unit9 What does he look like教学设计教案免费下载17第3页

通过看图,学习新知,逐步掌握有关描述人物外貌特征的句型。-What does he/she look like?

He / She is tall / of medium height / short.

He / She is thin / of medium build / heavy.

He/ She has long straight black hair...

再让学生练习句型(in pairs)

What does She /he look like?

She /he is +身高 体型

She /he has+ 发型

Task2:Groupwork 展示交流Talk about people's appearance(外貌) in your group. Then role-play看哪组更有创意

Task3:Have a guessing game, then make a guessing game(做猜测游戏,再让学生自编猜测)



what do / does +主语+look like? ...长得什么样?

Sb have / has + (形容词)+ 名词。

She has straight / curly hair/ long brown hair.

They have black eyes.

He has a small nose / a beard.


Sb is / are / am + 形容词。

He is tall / short.

He is of medium height.

She is fat / heavy / thin.

They are of medium build.

描述人的身高和胖瘦用"be +形容词"的结构

描述人的头发用"have /has + 发型"的结构。

注意:hair 是不可数名词。