【精雕细琢】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案::Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Task 2
【精雕细琢】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案::Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Task 2第2页

2 Every consideration will be given to your request. We will think about what you asked for. 3 Mr Brown informed me of your decision. Mr Brown told me that you had made up your mind. 4 We are writing with reference to ... We are writing about ... 5 We do not anticipate any increase in prices. We do expect prices to rise. 6 We would like to take this opportunity to... We want to... 【设计说明】通过练习理解正式文体的写作特点。

Step 3 Step 3: writing a proposal for a new computer room

Ask students to read the guidelines in Part A on page 57.

1. Ask students to complete the summary of the survey according to the given information.


Problem Suggested solution 2 The monitors, key boards and mouses are too old. They should be replaced. 3 There are not enough computers. More should be bought 4 There is only one printer. More should be bought. 5 Software is outdated. It should be updated. 6 There is no Internet access. Computers should be connected to the Internet. 7 The RAM and hard drives are too small. They should be updated. 8 It is too hot in summer in the room. Air-conditioning should be installed. 9 The room closes too early. Opening hours should be extended. 2. Ask students to read the guidelines in Part B on page 58, and ask them to pay attention to the writing style they should use in the proposal. Give students some time to write the proposal. Ask several students to read their works in class.

Possible example

Dear sir,

Recently, a survey about the school computer room was carried out in our school. The students find the design of the computer room impractical. They are not interested in studying there because of this. I'm writing this proposal to you to voice our opinion that the computer room needs improving.

There are not enough computers in our computer room. The computers that we use at the moment are old and slow, and they often crash, which wastes a lot of time. The computers there are not connected to the Internet, so we can not get the information that we need for our homework. There is only one printer in the room, which always goes wrong. In addition, the room is too hot in summer.

As more and more subjects are involved in IT, the computer room is playing a very important role in our studies nowadays. We are encouraged to use computers to do our homework and get information from the Internet. Now many factories and companies cannot work without computers, so those who have computer skills are easier to find a job. In order to get ourselves well prepared for the future, we need a well-equipped computer room. I am sure