英语:2010高考一轮复习学案unit5 travelling abroad(新人教版选修7)
英语:2010高考一轮复习学案unit5 travelling abroad(新人教版选修7)第4页


write/give sb.a recommendation为某人写推荐信/介绍信



(1) recommend+(sb's)doing;

(2) recommend +that(从句) (从句用虚拟,由should+动词原形构成);

(3) recommend +sb. to do


(1) recommend sb.sth.

(2) recommend sth.for(doing) sth.


1) Can you recommend me a good novel? 能给我推荐一本好小说吗?

2) What would you recommend for the ink stains?有什么办法能除掉墨水汁吗?

3) It is recommended in the regulations that you(should)not tell others the password of your e-mail

account. 条款有提示,不要将邮箱密码透露给别人。


1)The teacher recommended that________________.

The teacher recommended us__________________. (老师曾建议我们读这本小说。)

2) I went to the new hotel_______________________.(经你的介绍我去了这家新旅馆。)

3) _________so that I can cover the company? (你能给我写一封介绍信以便采访那家公司吗?)

Keys: 1)we(should)read the novel; to read the novel(reading the novel. 2)on your recommendation 3)

Would you write me a recommendation

1. comfort n.舒适;安慰 vt.安慰


comfortable adj.安乐的,舒适的;令人感到安慰的;充裕的;惬意的


comfort sb.for因某事安慰某人

be comfortable about/with对某事感到轻松/惬意

give comfort to安慰(某人)

take/have/find comfort(in...)感到安慰,安心,宽心;(从......中)得到安慰(in)


1)You are a great comfort to your parents.你是你父母最大的安慰。

2)She always finds comfort in her children when thinking of the loss of her husband.



1)Anyone can enjoy______________ my favorite chair.


2)The folks came to_______________ the loss of his parents.


Keys: 1)comforting their backs with 2)comfort the child for/give a comfort to the child for

substitute n.代替者;代用品 vt.用......代替......