2019学年度人教版选修七Unit 5Travelling abroad Unit Period 1Warming up and Reading 学案设计(6页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit 5Travelling abroad Unit Period 1Warming up and Reading 学案设计(6页word版)第3页

  6.You're doing very well everybody.________________!

  答案: Keep it up

  7.The little time I had outside of school was__________________with part­time jobs.

  答案: taken up

  8.You must all____________________your projects by the end of next week.

  答案: hand in



  I was travelling by the West Coast Express to Mangalore two years ago. Berth (卧铺) No.55,not far from me,was occupied by a middle­aged gentleman. When the train reached Palakkad around 9 pm,a large group of tourists entered the carriage with much noise. Just then another middle­aged man from the group declared that he owned Berth 55.He even had a paper given by his travel agent to support himself.

  The ticket examiner arrived and told the second man that it was not his berth. "No," said the second man. "It's mine." A policeman from the Railway Protection Force tried to get the second man to leave. But he wouldn't give in-and he even got some support from his companions.

  Fierce arguments continued,even long after the train left Palakkad. Nobody could sleep and it was getting late.

  Around midnight,a teenager climbed down from an upper berth close to me. "Please take my berth," he told the second man,who accepted it after a bit of hesitation.

  Then the teenager spread a newspaper on the floor and was soon lost in deep,peaceful sleep. Suddenly the carriage became quiet!

  I'm a 58­year­old biology teacher who has taught two generations of students. I was convinced once again that,contrary to popular opinion,young people can often be far,far nobler than many older ones. And that's the hope of our nation.

  语篇解读 作者通过自己在火车上的经历告诉人们:年轻一代是国家的希望。

1.What would be the best title for the text?