2018-2019学年北师大版高一英语学案:Unit11 Lesson 4词语点击
2018-2019学年北师大版高一英语学案:Unit11 Lesson 4词语点击第3页

interrupt "打扰"

【寓词于境】 阅读下列句子,注意interrupt的不同意思。

1. Never interrupt me while I'm working.

2. The game was interrupted several times by the heavy rain.

3. It's not polite to interrupt the speaker; he'll answer questions afterwards.

【用法归纳】 interrupt v. 打扰;中断;打断(行动、言语等)

【拓展】 interruption n. 中断;打断

【即学即练】 用interrupt的适当形式完成下列句子。

1. You'd better not ______ so as to keep his speech going.

2. Traffic was ______ by a snowstorm which lasted three weeks.

3. Please go ahead with your story; there won't be any more ______.

Key: 1. interrupt 2. interrupted 3. interruptions