英语:2010高考一轮复习学案unit1 great scientists(新人教版必修5)
英语:2010高考一轮复习学案unit1 great scientists(新人教版必修5)第4页

2) 出席;到场: 3)照看;照料:=take care; look after


1)We'll attend to the problem later. 稍后我们将关注那个问题。

2)Which doctor is attending you? 哪一个医生为你看病?


attendance n. 出席,出席的人数,伺候,照料

attend school上学

attend a lecture/meeting听讲座/出席会议

attend a wedding/ceremony出席婚礼'/参加典礼

[练习] 汉译英

1) 他们在我们不在时管理事务。


2) 他在这个领域很出名,今晚会有成千上万的敬仰者参加他的讲座。


Keys: 1) They attended our affairs during our absence. 2) He is famous in this field, and tens of thousands of fans will attend his lecture this evening.

3. expose vt.

1)使暴露, 显露 2)曝光 3)揭露


exposure n.(在日光、风雨、危险中)暴露,暴晒(后接to + n.);(摄影的)曝光

be exposed to ....置身于......;暴露于...


1)A real artist can always expose his students to good art and music


2)This film has been exposed. 这片子已经感光。

3)He exposed the plan to the newspapers.他向几家报纸透露了这个计划。

4)Exposure to the cold wind left my lips feeling dry.我暴露在寒风中,觉得嘴唇干裂。

5)As a journalist in the war, she was exposed to many dangers.作为战地记者,她置身于多种危险中.


1)The soil was washed away by the flood,_____________bare rock.

2)The baby was left ____________the wind and rain.

3)The _____________of the plot against the President probably saved his life.

Keys: 1) exposing 2) exposed to 3) exposure

4. absorb

1) 吸收 2)使(精神)贯注 3)占用(时间)


be absorbed in 全神贯注于;热衷于;

absorb one's attention吸引某人注意力


1)The equipment can absorb moisture from the air这一设备能从空中吸收水分