
D.learning vocabulary of a foreign language

Karma:I created it because I want kids to have fun while they are learning. I hope that there will be no more "smartest kids in class"because every kid will be the smartest kid in class!

J:Your site is filled with songs about math, good manners, outer space, and more. Do you think songs make learning easier?

K:Yes, but not only easier - more fun, as well.

J:Why is "keeping it green" important to you?

K:Because if we don't keep the Earth clean, then our time here is limited (有限的).

J:What praise have you received about the website?

K:Justin Bieber(a famous singer)said I'm changing the world with my website.

J:When you grow up, do you want to work in entertainment (娱乐) industry or do you want to be an educator?

K:I think I can do both! Like my website - it's both entertaining and educational.

J:What advice would you give to other kids who want to realize their dreams?

K:Work hard and play hard! That's one of my songs, by the way.

A.It offers Justin Bieber's songs.

B.It was mainly set up for children.

C.It was created by Karma herself.

D.It was built about three years ago.

36.According to the interview, Karma thinks it's important to________.

A.realize one's dream B.protect the environment

C.be the smartest kid in class D.learn math and science well

A.It's easy. B.It's terrible. C.It's strange. D.It's useful.

38.According to the text, Karma________.

A.likes to tell stories to others

B.does well in science and math

C.wants to be a singer in the future

D.created her website at the age of ten

Would you be able to let someone go that you really loved? If you're like most people, that would be pretty hard. In T.A. Barren's Where is Grandpa?,the main character, a little boy, was faced with the same problem.