2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破单元综合检测1 Word版含解析
2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破单元综合检测1 Word版含解析第2页

  A.It topped some American brands.

  B.It had a longer history than Coca­Cola.

  C.It failed to meet customers' satisfaction.

  D.It had fewer customers than General Electric.

  A [细节理解题。由第二段中的"Sony was recently chosen as the number one brand name by American consumers..."可知,索尼超越了一些美国品牌。]

  2.Why did Akio Morita rename his company Sony?

  A.To make the company appear exciting.

  B.To break into the American market.

  C.To advertise his new products.

  D.To attract young customers.

  A [细节理解题。由第三段中的"to give an impression of a company full of energy and youth"可知,Akio Morita把他的公司更名为索尼是为了给人们一种印象:这家公司充满了青春和活力。]

  3.What does the underlined word "this" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

  A.Morita's family.

  B.Morita's creativity.

  C.America's lively market.

  D.Morita's understanding of America.

  D [代词指代题。由第四段的描述可知,Akio Morita在1963年把家搬到美国,这使得他对美国人、美国市场以及美国的风俗有了深入理解,很多人认为这正是他在全球获得成功的关键原因;由此可推断,this指的是Akio Morita对美国的了解。]

  4.What do we know about Akio Morita?

  A.He was a productive writer.

  B.He was a low achiever in school.

C.He once taught physics in a college.