
  15.I don't suppose they will object to my suggestion,________?

  A.won't I B.won't they

  C.will they D.do I



  It was a busy morning,approximately 8∶30 a.m.,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived to have stitches (手术缝线)__1__from his thumb.He stated that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9∶00 a.m..

I took his vital signs (健康状况征兆) and had him take a seat,__2__it would be over an hour__3__someone would be able to see him.I saw him look at his__4__and decided,since I was not busy with another patient,I would__5__his wound.

On exam,it well healed,so I talked to one of the doctors,got the needed__6__to take his sutures (缝合线) away and redress his wound.

While taking care of his wound,we began to__7__in conversation.I asked him if he had another doctor's __8__this morning,as he was in such a hurry.The gentleman told me no,but he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.

I then asked about her__9__.He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a__10__of Alzheimer's Disease (老年痴呆症).As we talked,I asked if she would be__11__if he was a bit late.He replied that she had not__12__him for five years.

  I was surprised,and asked him,"And you still go there every morning,__13__she doesn't know who you are?" He__14__as he patted my hand and said,"She doesn't know me,__15__I still know who she is." I had to__16__tears as he left,thinking," That's the kind of love I want in my__17__."

  True love is not just romantic.True love is an acceptance of all that is,has been,will be and will not be.The happiest people don't__18__have the best of everything;they just__19__the best of everything they have.

  Life isn't about how to__20__the storm,but how to dance in the rain. 1.A.moved B.protected

C.separated D.removed

2.A.knowing B.hoping

C.expecting D.imaging

3.A.unless B.until

C.before D.when

4.A.wound B.watch

C.thumb D.hand

5.A.cover B.cure

C.check D.heal

6.A.supplies B.medicine

C.services D.operations

7.A.join B.engage

C.include D.break

8.A.appointment B.remark

C.warning D.advice

9.A.information B.treatment

C.position D.health

10.A.victim B.loser

C.winner D.model

11.A.serious B.curious

C.upset D.happy

12.A.realized B.seen

C.recognized D.minded

13.A.as if B.even though

C.now that D.in case

14.A.smiled  B.agreed

C.shouted D.whispered

15.A.and B.so

C.as D.but

16.A.burst into B.shut down

C.hold back D.take back

17.A.work B.experience

C.life D.day

C.steadily D.generally

19.A.take B.make

C.share D.give

C.obey D.survive   Ⅲ.阅读理解


At eighteen years of age,I flew up to San Francisco to meet a pen pal who I had written to for over a year.The first thing we did when we got home was to bake (烘焙) chocolate chip cookies,and our strong_ties were formed.From laughing at the burnt cookies,to eating the chocolate chips instead of putting them in the dough (生面团),it was fantastic.We became best friends.Twelve years