【同步学案】2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语选修七学案:Unit 19 Section Ⅴ Language Awareness & Culture Corner
【同步学案】2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语选修七学案:Unit 19 Section Ⅴ Language Awareness & Culture Corner第2页

  1.They are ________ interesting ________ I watch them again and again.


  2.He is known to be the last surviving member of his sub­species but ________________ George will pass on his genes to a new generation.


  3.Nevertheless,________ the effect of the goats introduced to the Galapagos by the early settlers ________ are understood to have destroyed the ecological balance on the islands and the livelihood of George's clan.


  4.This ________ had American words and expressions,________ introduced a new,simplified spelling which is still in use.


  【答案】 1.so;that 2.it is hoped that 3.it was;that 4.not only;but also



  English is the most widely 1.________ (study)foreign language in the world. In many countries English is used as a first language 2.________ more millions of people speak it as 3.________ second language.So 4.________did English become a world language?

  British English began to spread around the world in Shakespeare's. In 1607, British rulers established the first permanent English speaking 5.________(settle) in North America.

  Noah Webster introduced a new, simplified spelling in his Dictionary of American English. American English 6.________(influence) by immigration from Europe.In the 20th century, American English began to influence the rest of the world.

Canadian English started when British loyalists moved north into Canada in 1782.