免费下载教研课《Module4 Unit1 It's red》教学设计教案
免费下载教研课《Module4 Unit1 It's red》教学设计教案第2页

1. Learn the last sentence of the dialogue :

T : Look ,Where is the chameleon now ? What colour is it ?


Step4: Practice :

1. Listen and repeat (强调学生模仿纯正的语音语调)。

2. Panpan's magician dream : (进行意义操练。进一步激发他们的学习兴趣。此处往后都是以海洋生物为素材,结合学校的海洋夜色文化进行练习,进一步培养学生热爱大海,热爱家乡的思想感情。)

3. Sea animals' sports Day : 让学生猜测奥运五环的颜色,拓展他们的文化视野,丰富他们的课外知识。

4. Talk about the colours of the sea animals .(此处学生以小组为单位进行竞赛,看看哪个小组说的颜色多而且正确,培养孩子们的合作意识。)

5. Talk about the colours around you. (让学生感受美无处不在。)

Step5 :Summary

1.Do you have any questions ?(质疑问难,解决学生的存留问题。)

2. What have you learned today ? (让学生试着这总结。)

Step6: Homework for today :

1. Read the dialogue again and again ,until you can read it fluently .

2. What's the sea in your eye? Please draw and colour it .(此处教师示范自己的作业,让学生明白如何做。)

3. Go on talking about the colours around you .