【名师指导】2018-2019学年牛津译林版 高一英语必修一教案: Unit2SectionⅠ Welcome to
【名师指导】2018-2019学年牛津译林版 高一英语必修一教案: Unit2SectionⅠ Welcome to第2页

  great happiness or black despair(绝望).And through this period,adults seem to be unkind than ever.


  1.be supposed to do (按理)应该

  2.suffer from 遭受,遭遇

  3.adolescence 青春期

  4.be against 反对,反抗

  5.make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象


  1.Why do children often suffer from some terrible and illogical fears?


  2.What do teenagers think of adults during adolescence?


  【答案】 1.Because they can't understand the world around them. 2.Adults seem to be unkind than ever.

Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading-Preparing


  1.curtain n.     窗帘;(舞台上的)幕布

  2.frightened adj. 受惊的;害怕的

  3.bend vi. 弯腰,屈身

vt. (使)弯曲

  4.starve vi. 挨饿;饿死

      vt. 使挨饿

  5.cash n. 现金

6.garbage n. <美>(生活)垃圾