七上英语《Unit4 Where's my schoolbag》教学设计教案免费下载21
七上英语《Unit4 Where's my schoolbag》教学设计教案免费下载21第3页

Step One Warming up(8minutes)

* Play an English song before class.

* Revise some school things by asking questions.

e.g.: What's this? Is this a ...? How do you spell it? etc.

* Learn the new words in, on, under, behind ... by helping the teacher find the lost things.

e.g.: T: Where's my English book?

  S1: It's here. / I think it's ...

  T: Oh, it's on the desk.


  T: Where're my color pencils?

  S2: ...

Teach the new word "where" and the use of "they".

* Consolidate the prepositions by looking at the screen and answer the questions:

Where's ... ? Where're...?

Step Two Game: Hide and look for things (10minutes)

Students hide and look for the school things in pairs. One student hide one school thing and ask: Where's...? Where're...? The other student guess and answer: It's in your desk. They are in your pencil case. etc. Ask some pairs to share their performance.

Step Three New words learning(5minutes)

* Show the students a picture of a room, tell them this is a bedroom, let the students list the things in it first. Then show them the whole picture, teach the new words, ask where the things are, let the students answer, using the prepositions.

* Repeat with a sitting room and a study, teach the new words and practice in the same way.

Step Four Make up dialogues(10minutes)

* Section A, 1a: Match the words with the things in the picture. Students do it individually first, then check the answers.

* Section A, 1c: Make up dialogues in pairs, using the things in the picture.

Step Five Listen and say(9minutes)

Listen and imitate the dialogues in Section A, 1b.

Students answer the questions.

Let the students answer, using the prepositions.

Make up dialogues with the things in the picture.

Step One设计意图:通过设置让学生帮助老师找东西这样一个真实的场景来导入新课,能够立刻调动学生的参与性,激发学生思维,启动学习的发生。

Step Two设计意图:


Step Three设计意图:由于课前引导学生通过自主学习初步接触本课要学的新单词,所以在新单词的教学过程中,一些有能力的学生可以将自己已有的认识水平与实际运用结合起来,使他们能体会到通过自主学习带来成功的满足感。通过这样的方法呈现新单词,效果远比教师单纯地用图片来传授新单词要大。

Step Five


Improve students'

listening skill. Summary: A memory test

Show a picture of a room, give the students one minute to look at it, then ask them what kind of things they saw and where the things are. Have a competition among groups. See which group can remember all the things and places.


* Copy the new words and try to remember them.

* Make a survey: Interview one of your friends or teachers. Fill in the form below.

Name Things Places Mr. Wang/

Zhang qiang table On the floor 设计意图:语言知识学习与实际生活相结合,培养使用英语的思维。       Unit4 Where's my schoolbag?

  1. where, table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, desk, room

2. in, on, under

3. -Where is ...? -It's in/on/under...

-Where are ...? -They're in/on/under...

4. -Are the books on the sofa?

-No, they aren't. They're on the table.

-Is the schoolbag under the table?

-No, it isn't. It's on the sofa.