
1> You can see the rhythm in the movements of the dancer. The music is European classical music. It is very beautiful and so are the dancers. Russian dancers are famous for their skills in this art form.

2> This kind of music is popular with young people all over the world. The rhythm is fast and exciting, and the music is famous for being very noisy. Usually electric guitars play a big role in this kind of music.

3> In this historical art form, traditional music and singing are used to tell a story on stage. The rhythm plays a part in telling the story. It can get faster and louder, or make sudden stops to go with the action.

4> Often this form of dancing is a group activity and so the rhythm is important in keeping the dancers together. They are often seen at festivals with the dancers wearing traditional clothes.

3 Listen to the extracts again. Which of the Key Words do the speakers use to discuss rhythm?

Key Words

beautiful, famous, loud, noisy, fast, exciting, electric, popular, historical, excited, bright, traditional, sudden, important, different


1 beautiful, famous

2 popular, fast, exciting, noisy, electric

3 bright, traditional, sudden, loud

4 important, different, traditional

Writing and speaking

What kind of music and dance do you like?

Music: classical folk jazz rock'n'roll blues

Dances: disco folk dance ballet waltz(华尔兹)

hip-hop(街舞) cha-cha(恰恰) samba

tap dance(踢踏舞 ) breakdance (霹雳舞)

Why? Write a short passage to describe your opinions.