2018-2019学年度人教版必修二Unit 1 Cultural relics-reading教案
2018-2019学年度人教版必修二Unit 1 Cultural relics-reading教案第2页

After showing so many pictures, lead to a conclusion with students: "Cultural relic can be any object, building or item that was made sometimes in the past. It does not necessarily be valuable."

"Is cultural relic important? Why?"

Importance: it tells us the way people lived at the time it was made. This may be because of its method of manufacture or how the item was used.

Step Four: pre-reading questions

1) Lead-in: show the picture of Mona Lisa on the screen.

"What's this?"

"Mona Lisa!"

"Who painted this picture?"

" Da Vinci."

"Do you know why it is so famous?'

"Her mysterious smile."

"Yes, but once it was stolen. And after that, it was world famous!" students may be interested in it.

"Cultural relics are valuable so there are many interesting stories about them. Today we will learn one story about a cultural relic---the Amber Room.

2) Pre-reading questions: predicting

"Do you know what amber is?" "Have you ever seen a piece of amber? What do you know about it?"

"琥珀。" students know what it is but they may not be able to explain it in English.

"Look at the picture." Show the picture of amber on the screen.

"If there is an insect in it, it will be more valuable. Now can you imagine a large room made of several tons of amber?" show the picture of the Amber Room on the screen.

"Is it beautiful?"


"It must be expensive to make such kind of room. What kind of people could afford such a beautiful and expensive room?"