2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 5 first aid language points学案
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 5 first aid language points学案第3页

①(2010·重庆卷)Now I try to treat everyone with respect, no matter who I think they are.

我认为, 不管他们是谁,现在我尽量尊重每一个人。

②The way (that/in which) the guests are treated in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.


③Let's go out for dinner-my treat this time.


1. poison [ 'pɔizn ] n.毒药;毒害 vt.毒害;使中毒

poison pen写恶意匿名信的人

deadly poison n. 致命毒药

poison gas 毒气;(尤指用于化学战争中的)毒瓦斯

rat poison 杀鼠剂,老鼠药;鼠毒

poison pill 毒药丸(比喻公司为避免被对方兼并而向对方索取极高代价的阻挠措施)

food poison 食物中毒

blood poison 血毒

2. complex ['kɔmpleks] adj.复杂的

complex system 复杂系统

complex structure 复合结构;复结构;复数结构

complex sentence [语]复合句;复杂句

3. variety [və'raiəti] n.变化;多样(化);多变(性)

variety of 各种各样的

product variety 货品种类,产品种类;产品多样化;积簇

a great variety of 各种各样的;大量的

variety show 综艺节目;杂耍表演

variety store 杂货店

4. nerve [nə:v] n.神经;胆量;vt. 鼓起勇气

nervous ['nə:vəs] adj. 神经的;紧张不安的;

don't be nervous

nerve oneself 鼓起勇气;振作

5. squeeze [skwi:z] vt. & vi.榨;挤;压榨

squeeze out 挤出;榨出;排出

credit squeeze 贷款紧缩,银根紧缩

squeeze in 榨出,挤出;挤进去

squeeze into 挤入...;硬塞进...

put the squeeze on 对...施加压力

tight squeeze n. 处境困难;极度拥挤;狭道

squeeze through 挤过;勉强通过

squeeze head 压头;压板

6. firm adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的

law firm 法律事务所