2011届高考英语一轮复习精品学案:Unit 5 The silver screen(新人教)
2011届高考英语一轮复习精品学案:Unit 5 The silver screen(新人教)第2页

 (写作小练笔:主谓+介词; ambulance,hospital)


考点2. owe vt.& vi. 欠(债等);感激;把......归功于

When asked about the secret of his success, Steven Spielberg said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.

He would owe much to what you have done.


owe vt. 欠;感激

owe sth to sb 把......归功于某人

thanks to 由于; 多亏

due to 由于

because of 因为; 由于

(1)I _____(欠)you an apology.

(2)The food cost £4 , but I only paid £3 so I still_______


The ambulance sped to the hospital.



(3)She _________(归功于)her success to good luck.

(4)我欠你多少钱?(写作小练笔:主谓宾;how much)


考点3. accept vt. 接受;认可

The film script was so well-written that the famous actress accepted the role at once.

She accepted the money with thankful feelings.


accept vi. & vt. (乐意地)接受;收下

accept vt. 承认;同意

receive 强调"客观收到" accept 则表示"主观接受"

(1)It is generally __________(接受)that smoking is harmful

to our health.

(2)They refused to _________(承认)the responsibility of the



How much do I owe you?



(3)I've received a gift from him, but I'm not going to_________
