Unit8 Is there a post office near here教学设计教案免费下载16
Unit8 Is there a post office near here教学设计教案免费下载16第3页

Step 1. Warming- up and revision

Check their homework. 用第三人称转述2b中人物所在社区的情况。

Step 2. Presentation


2.Look at 3a. Ask the Ss look at the map of Cindy's neighborhood and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers.

Step 3. Writing仿写

Look at 3b, ask the Ss to draw a map of your neighborhood and write about it with the

help of the following sentences. After writing it, correct the answers in groups, choose

the most excellent answers to read in class at last.写作提纲

① Where do you live?

② What is your favorite place in your neighborhood? Why?

③ How do you get there from your home?

Step 4. Self Check 1

1. Have a competition:

Look at Self Check 1. See who will finish the passage with the words in the box at first.

Correct the answers: free, enjoy, climbing, spend.

2. Ask the Ss to find out difficulties in the passage, and then the teacher explains them.

a) My grandma makes the foods I like. 我奶奶做我喜欢吃的食物。本句中的I like 为后置定语从句,修饰先行词foods, 此句只要求学生理解即可。

b) We sometimes watch the neighbor's cats climbing the trees.

观看某人正在做某事,watch somebody doing something 观看某人做事的全过程应为watch somebody do something

Step 5. Self Check 2

Tell the Ss to write five sentences about your school using "there is /are, there are some trees in my school." Then check and correct them in groups.

Step 6. Writing:

Imagine you are one of the two people in the picture on page 46. You have to tell others how to get to the supermarket of library, please write a composition.

Step 7 Homework

1. Review the new words and sentences of this unit.

2. Self Check 2.Write five sentences about your school using "there is /are..."

Make a conversation to introduce your favorite places.