【精雕细琢】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案::Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Task 1
【精雕细琢】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案::Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Task 1第3页

【设计说明】这一步骤主要是为了完成Step 2中的听力和口语任务而设置。给出一些访谈中询问信息的常用句型,并通过口头和书面的方式加以练习,为后续任务的开展打下基础。

Step 5 Step 2: finding out about the computer room

1. Ask students to read the guidelines in Part A on page 55 and ask them to listen to the recorded interview and complete the interview form. Play the recording again and ask students to pay close attention to the questions the editor asks in preparation for the following steps.


1 in the afternoon

2 three times a week: Monday, Thursday, Friday

3 for school work

4 keyboards, CPUs, RAM, no DVD-ROM drives, too small hard drives, no Internet connection, no sound card, slow and ugly PCs, very old software

5 buy new computers and new software

2. Ask students to read the instructions of Part B on page 56, and then ask students to practice the dialogue in pairs.

3. While students are doing the dialogue, ask them to fill in the interview form below with the information that they get from their dialogue.


Step 6 Summary

Make a brief summary to have students review what they have learned in this lesson.


Step 7 Homework

1. Practice your dialogue after class.

2. Think of more situations in which you can apply what you have learned to practice.


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