2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修3教案: Unit3 Periods 1&2
2019-2020学年人教版高一英语必修3教案: Unit3 Periods 1&2第3页

 (Have a discussion on this question. Whatever choice students make here, they should be ready to offer their classmates a good reason for it.)

(2) Have you ever made a bet with your friend? If so, what did you bet on? How did you feel about the bet after it was won or lost?

(3) Have you ever read the story "The Million Pound Bank-Note"? Have you seen the movie? If so, what did you think of it? Do you want to know what happened to Henry Adams in THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE written by Mark Twain? Have you ever read the story? So this class we will learn the story together.

Step 2. Reading

1. Language points

  Discuss some important sentences and phrases in the passage.

1. bet n.

(1) agreement to risk money, etc on an event of which the result is doubtful 赌博

make a bet 打赌

Let's make a bet on the next election 咱们赌下次大选好吗?

have a bet 打赌

win/lose a bet 打赌赢/输了

accept/take up a bet

(2) The money, etc risked in this way (金钱等)赌注

v. ①risk (money) on a race or some other event of which the result is doubtful 打赌,赌博

Mrs. Black spent all her money betting on horses.


②I bet......=(informal) I'm certain...... 我肯定...

I bet he's gone to swimming---he loves it.


2. permit(v.)

(1)permit sb to do sth.=allow sb to do sth. 允许

Her mother would not permit her to come back late.


Permit me to explain it.