【学无止境】2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案:Unit3:Reading (2-1) The curse of the mummy同步授课教案
【学无止境】2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案:Unit3:Reading (2-1) The curse of the mummy同步授课教案第2页

predict in advance and it's essential for them to have such a good reading habit in the further study. Only with this feature can we grasp general idea in the smallest amount of time. In terms of reading contents, Ss need to get prepared for the detailed reading. In the process of reading comprehension, Ss will do different types of reading testing exercises to know some facts, understand some information between the lines and infer some preliminary evaluation beyond the lines. Teacher should provide Ss with some related exercises to consolidate their understanding. Finally, a discussion about reasons whether Ss want to stick to their goals or not will be conducted to unearth article's deep meaning.


In detail:

Step 1 Lead-in (3 mins)

Students are asked a question: What is a mummy?→Ss are able to guess the meaning by mummies' pictures easily.

Then give them another question: What is the curse? Do you know the curse's definition?

Play a film clip(Belphecor: Phanton of the Louvre 《卢浮魅影》 )

Ss will know the cruse: Bring them death and make them die

(on ppt)Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the king.


I am a defender of Tutankhamen's tomb and it was driving me to use the fire of the desert to grave robbers


More questions after watching video:

Do you believe these words?

Who are cursed in the film?

Step 2 Brainstorming (5 mins)

Tell Ss that today's reading passage's title is exactly the curse of the mummy. Please use their imagination to guess the article's contents.