【双基提升】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修2课件:Module 2 No Drugs Part 1
【双基提升】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修2课件:Module 2 No Drugs Part 1第2页



  1.Realize that you control your actions.You control your emotions and responses to other people’s behavior.You can’t change what they do but you can change how you feel. 2.Stop helping the drinker.Don’t make excuses for them if they are late.Don’t call in sick for them at work.Don’t buy them painkillers when they have a hangover.Don’t clean up their messes, fix their mistakes,or try to smooth things over.They have the ability to do all these things on their own,and your helping them shows that they can continue to do it.