【100所名校】湖北省华中师范大学第一附属中学2018-2019学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含解析
【100所名校】湖北省华中师范大学第一附属中学2018-2019学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含解析第4页

   attention. The headline _27___: "Local Dairy Farmer Kills Whole Herd." The article was about the __28__ of a fifth-generation dairy farmer during the polluted milk scare in Michigan several years earlier. Dairy cows were becoming __29__ a disease that was affecting the milk supply. The fifth-generation dairy farmer paid to have all of his cows __30__. It was found that out of the entire herd, only a few were were infected. Because no one could __31__ that the other cows were totally __32__, he had the herd killed and buried to make consumers feel rest assured(放心). The farmer's insurance did not cover his _33___ because the state had not issued a(n) __34__ for him to get rid of the herd. Asked why he did it, the farmer replied "Because it was the right thing to do.

   I asked D why he __35__ the article on the wall. I thought that he might be related to or __36__ knew the farmer. He said he had never met the man, but that the farmer was a(n) __37__ to him and set a standard for integrity(正直), trust and honesty. He said that is how he __38__ his auto Repair business.

   I was now doubly __39__ by both the farmer and D.The next year, __40__ my recommendation, my son started a nine-month mechanics apprenticeship(学徒) at D's Auto repair.

   21.A.closed B.started C.expanded D.developed

   22.A.content B.cautious C.surprised D.shocked

   23.A.Just then B.Back then C.In advance D.Before long

   24.A.filled out B.handed out C.held out D.took out

   25.A.stared B.reflected C.worried D.waited

   26.A.informed B.involved C.prepared D.occupied

   27.A.wrote B.read C.recorded D.shown

   28.A.plans B.feelings C.actions D.bravery

   29.A.immune to B.addicted to C.infected with D.allergic to

   30.A.tested B.killed C.buried D.sold

   31.A.suspect B.guarantee C.challenge D.question

   32.A.satisfying B.beneficial C.dangerous D.safe

   33.A.danger B.risk C.loss D.threat

   34.A.order B.warning C.ban D.solution

   35.A.stored B.displayed C.collected D.appreciated

   36.A.anywhere B.anyhow C.somewhere D.somehow

   37.A.inspiration B.companion C.comfort D.memory

   38.A.bought B.predicted C.operated D.acquired

   39.A.embarrassed B.impressed C.confused D.amused

   40.A.in B.by C.at D.on




   Crows(乌鸦) are remarkably intelligent birds. Now these feathered geniuses are given a job: Six crows have been trained to pick up rubbish in the Puy du Fou historical theme park in western France. Whenever the six crows put cigarette ends or other small 41. (piece) of trash in a special container, it offers a treat to reward the crows 42. their efforts.

   The idea came from one of the park's employees, Christophe. In 2012, the theme park held a show during which the crows picked up roses and brought them to a "princess". It was the show 43. inspired him. Since then, six crows 44.(raise) and trained to do the same with rubbish. The training system is similar to the one for testing crows' intelligence, 45. a food dispenser(分发器) gives away a food reward when a crow 46. (correct) performs a task. Christophe also introduced other species of birds to go through the training. 47. (compare) with other birds, crows are much cleverer.

   The purpose of 48. (train) the crows is to educate the people to reflect on themselves. Since the birds are able to protect the environment, we need to care about it too. "It is 49. funny way to remind people not 50.(throw) the rubbish everywhere," said Christophe.






   注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

   2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

   In order to enrich our school life and promote our English learning, the English teachers of Grade II organized an English Talent show last Friday afternoon. Despite of the fact that we were busy with our study, we took active part in it.

The show lasted more than two hours and it was a great success. Different forms of English programs ranged from singing, dancing, short plays, musical plays to English dubbing performances were displayed, which offers us a great visual feast. There were lots of excitement and cheers during the whole process. That impressed us most was the play Snow White. This activity was warmly welcomed by we students, all of