2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour reading课时作业 (2)
2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour reading课时作业 (2)第2页


  1.解析:选C 本文开篇介绍了孩子的行为养成并非与生俱来,在作者看来,自己对孩子的习惯并非有很高的要求,但是对孩子的行为有最基本的要求。C项的be respectful to everything around them就是对孩子的基本要求。与下一句话的how相呼应。

  2.解析:选B 根据上一句话可知在孩子只有几个月大的时候就不断地给孩子灌输说"请"和"谢谢你"的习惯,这里是从时间的角度出发,B项的It won't be long before正是从时间上阐述,也就是在不久之后,孩子就会独立地使用这样的礼貌用语。

  3.解析:选G 本段的小标题是关于"不要打断别人",就是从尊重别人的角度出发。正是这样的行为可以提醒孩子,不要总是以自己为中心。并且应该让孩子们意识到,这个世界并不是围绕着他一个人转的。所以只有在紧急情况下和成人太热衷于谈话的时候,孩子才能打断。此题易误选E项,有的学生会误以为孩子一旦插话,就会说一些不好的内容,所以就不让孩子说话。但是本段是从孩子的角度出发,并不是从"you"也就是家长的角度出发。

  4.解析:选D 即使打断成年人说话的时候,也要注意礼貌,应该习惯性地使用"Excuse me"。上一句话的Two magic words与D项的they're important so that they stick吻合,也就是这两个单词的重要性。此题易误选A项,学生会误以为使用Excuse me就是一种"友好和尊重的态度",但是A项中的this与Excuse me不吻合。

  5.解析:选F 本段的中心话题是"友好和尊重",让他们意识到其他人的需要,乐于助人,从而在不同的情况下采取不同的行动。所举的例子有几个,比如说给后面的人撑着门,帮助那些需要额外帮助的人,让别人先走,认真听等等都是礼貌的表现,这与F项的actions吻合。


话题 难度系数 词数 建议用时 帮助他人 ☆☆☆ 281 19′   (2018·河南省七校联考)He was driving home one evening,on a two-lane country road.__1__,in this small mid-western town,was almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac.Ever since the Levis factory__2__,he'd been unemployed.__3__he never quit looking.It was a__4__road.Not very many people had a reason to be on it,__5__they were leaving.Most of his friends had already__6__.They had families to__7__and dreams to fulfill(实现).But he stayed on.__8__,this was where he buried his mother and father.He was born here and knew the country.

He could go down this road blind,and__9__you what was on either side,and with his__10__not working,that came in handy.It was starting to get__11__and light snow was coming down.He'd better get a(n)__12__on.You know,he almost didn't see the old lady,__13__on the side of the road.But even in the dim light of__14__,he could see she needed help.So he__15__in