2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour reading课时作业 (2)
2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour reading课时作业 (2)第3页

  front of her and got out.His car was still roaring(轰鸣)when he approached her.

  Even with the smile on his face,she was__16__.No one had stopped to help for the last hour__17__.Was he going to hurt her?He didn't look safe,he looked poor and__18__.He could see that she was__19__,standing out there in the cold.He knew how she felt.He said,"I'm here to help you ma'am.Why don't you wait in the__20__where it's warm?By the way,my name is Joe."

  [语篇解读] 一位失业的人,开着车在空旷的路上走着,路边一位老太太因看到他又穷又饿而不敢拦他的车,但是出于同情他还是邀请老太太坐他的车。

  1.A.Work   B.Luck

  C.Wealth   D.Life

  解析:选A 由下文的almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac,再分析四个选项的意思可知,只有work符合文义。句意:在这座中西部的小镇上,工作节奏慢得就像他这辆破旧的庞蒂亚克汽车。

  2.A.opened   B.closed

  C.produced   D.stood

  解析:选B 联系空后的he'd been unemployed我们知道,自从工厂关闭,他就失业了。

  3.A.So   B.Thus

  C.But   D.And

  解析:选C 前后为转折关系。尽管失业了,但他从来没放弃过希望。

  4.A.long   B.dirty

  C.wide   D.lonely

  解析:选D 联系空后的Not very many people had a reason to be on it可知,因为没有多少人走,这条路很空旷,因此用lonely最合适。其他选项都不能说明这里的荒凉。

  5.A.unless   B.if

  C.when   D.until

  解析:选A 由空后的they were leaving可知,除非人们离开这里,很少有人走这条路。

  6.A.worked   B.left

  C.stayed   D.died

  解析:选B 工厂已经关闭了,他的朋友们因为有家需要养,有梦想需要实现,因此离开这里到其他地方去了,故用left。

  7.A.see   B.help

  C.feed   D.enter

  解析:选C 根据上题解析可知此空用feed。

8.A.At all   B.After all