宁夏银川一中2018-2019学年高一上学期阶段性测试英语试卷 Word版含答案
宁夏银川一中2018-2019学年高一上学期阶段性测试英语试卷 Word版含答案第5页

  times he may go on for days looking out for news materials yet return empty-handed.

  In the beginning, a reporter has to cover a very wide field. After the early years he becomes more specialized in his work. For example, he may finally be asked to write only on court cases or politics or sports. Some reporters may become so specialized that they are asked only to write on a special thing: horse racing, for example. In most newspaper houses there is at least one special racing correspondent. Some newspapers have book reviews. Their job is delightful. They read the latest book and then write reviews on the ones they like. Then there are those who write on films, so they get to see them even before they are shown in the cinema. How lucky, you would say!

  A reporter's job can also be very dangerous. A number of them have died rushing from one assignment to another, and if there is a flood or a riot(暴) they may get hurt or even be killed. Three years ago there was a reporter whose camera was smashed by a group of men, because they were angry with him for taking their picture. Dangerous or not, one thing is certain, and that is, their job is never dull!

28. What does the underlined phrase "on the rush" mean in the passage?

 A. on the beach      B. on the spot    

C. in a hurry      D. in no time

29. Reporters who write on films are said to be lucky because they _____.

 A. can see the films before most people see them in the cinema

 B. can see more film stars

 C. can pay less than other people

D. can write anything they like

30. A reporter's work becomes dangerous when _____.

A. there is an interview with the prime minister

B. there is a flood or a riot

C. there is a football match

D. he is seeing a horror film

31. From the passage we can infer that, to be a good reporter, he must be all of the following EXCEPT_____________.

A. brave B. quick in mind

C. well-informed D. strong

  From the health point of view we are living in a wonderful age. A large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery. But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the unbelievable killing of people on the roads. Man is opposite to the motor-car! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing. Thousands of people are killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.

  It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering-wheel(方向盘), his car becomes the extension of his personality. There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a