【100所名校】河南省信阳高级中学2019届高三下学期3月月考英语试卷 Word版含解析
【100所名校】河南省信阳高级中学2019届高三下学期3月月考英语试卷  Word版含解析第3页

   D.How People Better Themselves


    Most airlines go all out to ensure their passengers have the best possible flight experience. Now, Europe's low-budget airline, easyJet, wants to extend the positive experience beyond the plane ride with "Sneakairs" 一smart shoes that allow visitors to explore new cities and towns without ever looking at a map.

   To transform Sneakairs from an ordinary shoe to a tour guide,all the wearer has to do is enter his or her desired destination into the easyJet smartphone app. A built-in GPS will determine the wearer's starting location while the Google Maps navigation (导航)tool will help chart the best route. Whenever a change of direction is necessary, the app will communicate with the appropriate shoe via the Bluetooth and cause it to vibrate(振动). For example, if the wearer needs to turn right, he/she will feel the sensation in the right shoe. Should the user miss the turn, the smart shoes will both vibrate at the same time, reminding him/her to change course.

   Visitors that wander off the suggested path or decide to take a break for a cup of coffee or a meal have nothing to worry about. The smart app will automatically determine the new location and chart out a new route. Once the desired destination is reached, Sneakairs will vibrate three times to inform the user of the arrival and then go back to being ordinary shoes-until their navigation services are needed again!

   Sneakairs is certainly not the first navigation shoe in the market. However, easyJet is the first airline to offer them to passengers just as they are about to land in an unknown city. However, before Sneakairs can go mainstream, the easyJet team still needs to make some adjustments. Among the challenges that need to be addressed is the smart shoe's three-hour battery life, which is hardly enough for a tourist to catch all the delights a new city or town has to offer!

   12.What can we learn about Sneakairs in the text?

   A.Its size. B.Its price.

   C.Its material. D.Its function,

   13.What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 2?

   A.How Sneakairs works.

   B.How visitors choose routes.

   C.How users avoid getting lost.

   D.What users should pay attention to.

   14.What might easyJet do to improve its smart shoes?

   A.Bring down their cost.

   B.Add more functions.

   C.Develop more types.

   D.Make the battery last longer.

   15.Where does this text probably come from?

   A.A commercial ad. B.A science report.

   C.A tourist map. D.An airline guide.


   Making the Most of Life Experiences

   If you ask anyone what the purpose of life is, you'll likely receive wildly different responses. The answer to this question is deeply personal because different things are important to us throughout the course of our lives. 16.

   Finding ways to make the most of our experiences is a challenge we face every day. Here are some ways to make your experiences meaningful.

   Follow your dreams.

   The number one way to live a life free of regret is to follow your dreams. Passion will die without actions supporting them. 17.Every day take an action, no matter how small, to achieve your goals. Each day is a step forward and none of it is wasted.

   Make lots of mistakes.

   18. Many of my strongest memories come from the times I've failed,and those lessons have stayed with me. Failure is beneficial to us. And time allows me to see the value of even the most painful situation.


   Difficult and painful experiences shape our character but can also weigh us down. These prevent us from moving forward. So much of our progress in life relies on willpower and a healthy emotional stale. If you're under stress, your body and mind both require time to recover. 20.

   For me, life is about experiences. We all have to dream, work hard, and fail before we can achieve success. Maybe we'll discover along the way that the journey is more important than the destination .

   A.Take care of yourself.

   B.Improve your personality.

   C.Making mistakes is the surest path to grow as a person.

   D.It's best to rest, recover, and slowly build back up your strength.

   E. Yet one thing stays with us no matter where we go: our experiences.

   F. Though we try our best to make fewer mistakes, it is impossible to avoid them.

G. Though we can't choose the outcome of our actions, we can choose to keep pursuing(追求).