《302edu发布》江苏省扬州中学2019届高三下学期3月月考英语试题 Word版含答案
《302edu发布》江苏省扬州中学2019届高三下学期3月月考英语试题 Word版含答案第3页

29. John said, "_________, we went for a swim."

A. Being hot B. It being hot C. As it is hot D. It was hot

30. Taking a close look at their respective historical contexts, purposes and principles, huge differences can be     between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Marshall Plan.

A. condemned B. exploited C. identified D. demonstrated

31. Once the massive rocket by SpaceX sprinted off (腾空而起)at about 3:45 p.m., everything seemed to     as planned, from the activation of David Bowie's music as the soundtrack to the pinpoint return of two reusable booster rockets.

A. take off B. go off C. set off D. pull off

32. In the final of the World Indoor Championships, Su Bingtian locked a personal best of 6.42 seconds,     the Asian record of 6.43, which he also set last month in Germany.

A. to break B. breaking C. broken D. having broken

33. -What is your impression of your former colleague Nick?

-He's helpful, and he    give us a hand at work.

A. must B. would C. may D. should

34. Today we focus on     is called recurrent obesity or yo-yo obesity,     is the phenomenon     we gain weight and then go on a successful diet, but within 12 months we go back to our original weight.

A. what; which; in which B. which; which; where

C. all; that; that D. whatever; as; which

35. The more he pondered the idea the more he came to realize that he wasn't able to_______.

A. get a new lease on life B. live from hand to mouth

C. see the forest for the trees D. beat around the bush

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

  Autumn is a colorful season. It's 1 with natural beauty. It's breathtaking to see the reds, oranges and yellows  2  along highways, across mountain ranges, and in backyards. The air is fresh. The sun is brilliant. Many people go on  3  outings-not necessarily to swim,  4  just to be by the ocean in that cool, bright  5  .

   Autumn is also a transition season, a  6  to the quiet of winter. It is a time of  7 , as leaves fall to the ground and  8 to the earth.

   This week, we're celebrating Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Every year this  9 offers us an opportunity to look back on the past and to  10 our life in the direction we believe it should go. And every year, we  11 the festival in autumn. Rosh Hashanah also feels to me like a powerful 12 that now is the time to make a fresh 13 just as the vibrancy of the year is winding down and to set a positive goal for the days, weeks and months 14 . For me, it feels profound, and almost courageous, to face the cold winter with fresh 15 and energy. The more 16 we are rooted in what matters during the autumn, the more we have to draw on when 17 winds blow.

   That's a lesson 18 us every day of the year, isn't it? Today is the day to  19 tomorrow's happiness, tomorrow's kindness, tomorrow's health and tomorrow's friendship. Whether it's cold and windy outside, or warm and bright, we have the power to  20  the most of each day, to start fresh and to reorganize our life in the directions we believe we should go.

1.A.rich B.popular C.familiar D.satisfied

3.A.mountain B.beach C.desert D.forest

4.A.and B.until C.when D.but

5.A.light B.water C.color D.wind

6.A.bridge B.barrier C.boundary D.breakthrough