【302edu解析】河北省五个一联盟2018-2019学年高一上学期摸底考试英语试卷 Word版含解析
【302edu解析】河北省五个一联盟2018-2019学年高一上学期摸底考试英语试卷 Word版含解析第5页

M: That's right. But I got to the airport too late and missed my flight.

W: Oh, no. What happened? Was it the traffic?

M: No. My car broke down on the way.

W: Couldn't you catch the subway or anything?

M: It broke down on the highway, and there was no subway station around.

W: Did you try to get a taxi?

M: Yes, I did. I called the taxi company and ordered one . But it took too long to get to where I was. So I just asked the driver to take me home.








13. Who is the woman talking with?

A. Her teacher B. Her uncle C. Her classmate

14. Where did the earthquake take place according to the woman?

A. In New Zealand B. In America C. In Canada

15. Why did the woman come back to Canada?

A. She got hurt in the earthquake.

B. She wanted to take a break.

C. She took an exchange program.

16. What does the man think of studying in Australia?

A. Wonderful B. Terrible C. Funny.

【答案】13. B 14. A 15. B 16. A


M: Hi, Sally. I haven't seen you in years! What are you up to these days?

W: Good to see you, Uncle Jimmy. I'm planning to go back to university.