安徽省白泽湖中学2018-2019学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试卷 Word版含答案
安徽省白泽湖中学2018-2019学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试卷 Word版含答案第4页

 A. Success and happiness. B. Competition and influence.

 C. Talent and achievement. D. Contribution and cooperation.

26. What kind of life does the writer enjoy?

 A. He enjoys a busy life. B. He enjoys a successful life.

 C. He enjoys a peaceful life. D. He enjoys a wealthy life.

27. The best title of the passage is "________".

 A. Attitudes to Life B. Enjoy Your Life C. A Simple Life D. Love Our Life

  We may find cultural differences and local manners are different while going abroad. Everything from greeting to eating can be an opportunity to do wrong, and not only embarrass yourself, but offend others.

  Touching may offend someone in Korea, Thailand, Europe, and in Middle East. Personal space changes in different places. In Mediterranean countries (地中海国家), if you don't touch someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm hug, you'll be considered cold. But don't touch someone who isn't a family member or a good friend in Korea, or you'll make them uncomfortable. In Thailand, you should never even touch a child's head.

  Talking over dinner may offend people in Africa, Japan, Thailand, and Finland. In Japan, and some African nations, chatting at table is rude. You'll be likely to be met with silence - not because your group is unfriendly, but because it's time for eating, not for talking. Also we should avoid conversations in some special places - churches in Europe, temples in Thailand, and saunas (桑拿浴室) in Finland.

  Once you are in a different country, remain highly sensitive to native behaviors. Never be surprised by anything; learn to understand, and don't feel offended if something seems offensive. After all, this is a global village, and we are all very different.

28. The writer wants to tell us ________ in the passage.

 A. touching is always shows your love. B. native behaviors are never offend others.

 C. talking is always better than silence D. different country has different customs.

29. You are likely to be met with __________ in Japan.

 A. hugs B. kisses C. silence D. chatting

30. Strangers' touches may make native people feel uncomfortable in __________.

 A. Korea B. Brazil C. Finland D. Italy

31. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

 A. Keeping highly sensitive to native behaviors is necessary.

 B. People hardly ever touch a child's head casually in Thailand.

 C. Touching may offend someone in Europe Korea and Thailand.

 D. You're supposed to greet strangers with kisses or a hug in Korea.

  Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇,April 15, 1452-May 2, 1519) was a talented Italian painter, inventor, writer and musician. He was a great artist who started his art life by drawing eggs.

His most famous paintings are Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Perhaps there were only fifteen paintings in the world. However, these few works, together with his notebooks, which have drawings, science diagrams (图表), and his thoughts on the nature of painting, affected many artists. "Drawing is natural daughter." he said.