四川省遂宁中学外国语实验学校2018-2019学年高一上学期第二学段考试英语试卷 Word版含答案
四川省遂宁中学外国语实验学校2018-2019学年高一上学期第二学段考试英语试卷 Word版含答案第4页

   ordinary people. Some people even didn't know the existence of other continents.

However, life today is difficult at the same time. We want to look good. We try to be perfect. We want to know what others think of us. And the pace of modern life is so fast that we are becoming busier and busier! We are busy making money. And we are busy spending money. However, we never feel that life is good enough. We are so busy that we don't have time for our family members and friends, not to mention our hobbies.

Is life today better or worse? It's hard to say, isn't it?

25. What does the writer's little sister probably do?

  A. A pilot. B. A doctor. C. A student. D. A manager.

26. What was probably the topic for the discussion?

  A. Is life today better or worse?

  B. Are people as busy as before?

  C. Do people work as hard as before?

  D. Is life today easier or more difficult?

27. What's the main idea of the second paragraph?

  A. Life is easier today.

  B. Transport is easier today.

  C. Travel is easier today.

  D. People live longer today.

28. From the third paragraph, we can infer that the writer thinks it's________for us to slow down.

  A silly B. difficult C.easy D. important

2016 Calendar Kids Art Contest

We'll select 13 gifted artists and print their winning artwork in our 2017 calendar (日历). All winners will receive a great prize. The first winner will also win a free trip to Washington, D.C.

About the Calendar Kids Program

  For the past 20 years, the American Kidney(肾) Fund has done an art contest for young artists who have kidney disease. The program provides a chance for kidney patients to show themselves through artwork and to draw the public's attention to kidney disease.

  Who can take part in it:

● children (16 or younger)

● living in the United States

● having kidney disease

What should I draw?

  Use your imagination! Your drawing may be about seasons, things that make you happy, ways to stay healthy, or whatever you like. Do not use copyrighted (有版权的) characters (like Mickey Mouse, Sponge Bob, etc.)

What should I send?

Please send us your original (原创的) artwork on a piece of white paper, a completed form (you may get one at your doctor's office or on our website) and a