2019-2020学年人教版必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games Grammar课时作业 (10)
2019-2020学年人教版必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games Grammar课时作业 (10)第2页

  You might cross the road to avoid 1.talking (talk) to someone you recognise, or you would love to go to a party and talk 2.confidently (confident) to every guest. You needn't worry about situations like these if you have good social skills. People with good social skills communicate well and know how 3.to_have (have) a conversation.It helps if you do a little advance 4.planning (plan).

  Small talk is very important and 5.prepares (prepare) you for more serious conversations. Have some low­risk conversation openers ready. And 6.listening (listen) is a skill 7.which most people lack, but communication is a two­way process - it involves 8.speaking (speak) and listening. Always remember - you won't impress people 9.if you talk too much.

  If you go to 10.a social occasion in another country, remember that social rules can be different.


  李明的学校要组织一次演讲,他的班主任鼓励他参加。然而,李明缺乏信心(lack confidence)。老师给了他下列建议:首先,他应该提前(in advance)准备好演讲稿。其次,演讲时,目光不能从观众身上移开(look away from), 另外(in addition), 他应该大声讲话以便使自己被清晰地听见。最后但同样重要的是,他应该相信自己。李明答应老师他会仔细考虑(think of)这件事,并第二天会给他答复。




  I was adopted when I was 3 months old. My father didn't want me at first. He told my mother he was not __1__ accepting somebody else's kid. He felt greatly __2__ because he was unable to give my mother the children they both so deeply __3__.

  My dad liked chatting with everyone. He would start __4__ at the grocery store or at the cinema. Once, while we were visiting a small airport, my dad __5__ a local pilot (飞行员) into giving me a __6__ in his airplane. I was surprised that he __7__ a stranger enough to let me go, __8__ he did. He never said "no" when I tested my own wings.

Then there was the time when our neighbor's house was on fire. My adopted brother saw the __9__ and woke my dad up. Dad told my mom to __10__ the fire department, and then he went next door to __11__. He opened the front door and called out. Our neighbor __12__, but Dad couldn't see her because of the __13__. So he crouched (蹲) down to the floor and kept __14__ her to come toward his voice. __15__ he felt her hand and pulled her out of the burning home. He