2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 5 Nalson Mandela – a modern hero reading课时作业
2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 5 Nalson Mandela – a modern hero reading课时作业第4页



  We have slow food, slow travel, even slow journalism.The slow food movement reminds us of the value of locally produced, seasonal foods, just as slow travel brings us back to local traditions we miss as we fly off in search of peak experiences.In a 24­hour news era, slow journalism avoids the demands of the breaking story, revisiting and reflecting on old news.In almost every area of life, we are turning towards a world, where time is not a luxury (奢侈品) but a resting place and slowness is almost a necessity.

  But that doesn't happen in schools.Courses are forced into short half terms.From the moment we go through school gates to the time we get out again a few short hours later, there must be activity, busyness and speed.Reflection is out.We don't give students the time they need to read and they turn to second­rate substitutes instead.Why read Plato when you can read a book about Plato? The answer is that what Plato wrote is much more interesting, dramatic and enjoyable than any of the thousands of books that have been written about him.

  I once met a friend, a published poet."How's the poetry going?" I asked."It's been a good week," he replied."I wrote three lines." Would we accept that rate of return from our students?

  Slow teaching means giving students time to read and think.How often do we demand immediate answers to our questions? Silence is more often uncomfortable than golden in the classroom.Slow teaching also means resisting the temptation (诱惑) to finish every discussion and bring thinking to an end.Slow teaching encourages us to work for as long as the topic demands, Additionally, slow teaching means giving students time to explore the natural world and scientific concepts and time to go outside the curriculum and further explore it.


  8.What is suggested in the first paragraph?

  A.People find it a luxury to enjoy time.

  B.Being slow is becoming a movement.

  C.Slowness is a recognized culture now.

  D.It is difficult for people to slow down.

  解析:选C 推理判断题。结合第一段提到的慢饮食、慢旅行和慢新闻以及它们带来的好处可推知,慢节奏的活动已成为人们认可的一种文化。

  9.What can we know about students' present situation?

  A.They live in a fast­paced world.

  B.They are more silent than active.

C.They mainly focus on reflecting.