2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Learning about language课时作业(2)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Learning about language课时作业(2)第2页

  For five years,she had fought against breast cancer.Her death had been a__3__I knew but was never__4__prepared for.I didn't scream or__5__,only stared in shock at myself in the mirror and thought,"You have no__6__."

  Then I realized I hadn't given my mum her Christmas present-a small card,which I had labeled (标注) "Sweet Dreams".Now she would never__7__it.My dad dressed her in new clothes and placed the__8__in her hand.

  For years,I had been imagining that she would walk through the door every time I__9__the key in the lock.In this imagination,she was never thin or__10__or walking with a cane (拐杖).She would fly back into my life with shiny hair and a wide smile.Inside,I never stopped__11__her.

  In the eighth grade,I became the valedictorian (致告别词的学生代表) of my__12__.My dad stopped by to__13__the graduation rehearsal (排练).As I stood on the stage and read my speech,I looked out into the__14__.

  Among my classmates,I saw my dad__15__but there were tears in his eyes.When I__16__and turned to go off the stage,I looked again but he had__17__.He told me later that he was so__18__but heartbroken because my mother couldn't be there.

  Dad always said how badly my mum had wanted to watch me__19__.He would say that she was watching over us in heaven. Still,I like to __20__ that my mum can see these moments of my life now.

  【语篇解读】 作者的母亲虽然去世了,但作者依然觉得她在天堂关注着他的成长。

  1.A.but B.and

  C.till D.though



  2.A.dead B.sick

  C.asleep D.alone

  解析:由上文"discovered she was not breathing"可知,作者的母亲去世了。


  3.A.question B.goal

  C.rule D.fact

  解析:由上文"For five years,she had fought against breast cancer"可知,作者早已料到会有这样一个事实。


  4.A.skillfully B.patiently

  C.fully D.carefully



  5.A.fight B.leave

C.fail D.cry