山东省济宁市兖州实验中学2019-2020学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案
山东省济宁市兖州实验中学2019-2020学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案第2页

 A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow morning.

4. What will the man probably do next(

 A. Write a letter. B. Take some pictures.


5. What are the speakers mainly t&lking about(

 A. A school uniform. B. A festival.

9 Whatdoesthewomandecidetodo(

 A. Go on a holiday. B. Go to a party with the man. C. Stay with her family.


10. What is the relationship between the two speakers(

A Teacherandstudent B Coleagues C Classmates

11. Why does Dr. Downs want his students to have these books(

A Thesebooksarerealycheap

B. Hewants to discuss them in detail.

C Thestudentsareexpectedtoreadmore

12. How does thewoman suggest buying the books(

A Shebuysthreeandthemanbuystwo B Shepaysthemanfiftydolarsforsharing

C Theyeachpayhalfofthetotalamountofmoney 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题%

13. What kind of food does the man want to eat(

A. Thai. B. Italian.

14. What does thewoman suggest fist(

A Goingtoabigcitytofindtherightspices

B. Looking around the local market.

C. The man should learn how to cook the food himself.

15 Wheredothespeakerslive(

A InAustralia BInAmerica

16. Who may thewoman ask for help(

A. The man) brother. B. The man) uncle


17 Whatistheexhibitionaboutthisyear(

A. Star posters. B. Railway posters.