2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom Language points课时作业 (8)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom Language points课时作业 (8)第4页

 the passenger's door was pushed open by the driver, a 64-year-old man now barely conscious. Hardly noticing the heat, Macdonald opened the door and grabbed the shoulder of the driver's jacket. He dragged the man about 15 feet before two bystanders came to help him pull the man to a safe distance. Moments later the entire car was on fire.

The police confirmed the other driver was charged with careless driving. Macdonald escaped the crash with whiplash, sore muscles and wrists from the airbag release, and a headache. The other driver received serious but non-life threatening injuries, said the police.

Macdonald is just grateful that both of them came out alive. "I'm just glad I stood up when I was needed," said Macdonald. "You only get a couple of chances in your life to prove what you are made of."

9.From the passage we know MacDonald is ______.

A. brave and helpful B. generous but careless

C. grateful and kind D. selfish but careful

10.The accident happened because ______.

A. there was a car burning B. the rubber was melting

C. the driver was careless D. the driver was screaming

11.Before MacDonald saved the man, he ______.

A. found his car was greatly damaged

B. doubted whether he should offer help

C. was not hurt in the accident at all

D. didn't realize the danger of rescue

12.The underlined word "swerved"(Paragraph 2) means "______".

A. turned B. knocked C. cut D. broke

External bleeding

Apply direct pressure. Place a clean, folded cloth over the injured area and firmly apply pressure. If blood soaks through, do not remove it. Instead, cover that cloth with another one and continue to apply pressure to the wound for 7~10 minutes. If the bleeding is from the ear, place a clean bandage over the ear, lay the victim on his side, and allow the blood to drain out through the bandage.

Elevate the injury. Position the wounded part of the body above the level of the heart if possible while