免费下载《Module10 Unit1 He was in the kichen》教案教学设计
免费下载《Module10 Unit1 He was in the kichen》教案教学设计第1页

Module 10 Unit 1

He was in the kitchen.

Teaching goals:

 知识与技能:学习单词:kitchen, toilet, room, living room, hide-and-seek, last, hide, sofa;学习句型:He was in the kitchen.

 过程与方法:用where did you find...I found.../He was in the kitchen这类句型谈论人或物品所处的位置。


Importance and difficulties:

能清晰准确地发出本课所教单词的音,在日常生活中使学生能用在日常生活中使学生能用He was in the kitchen这类句型谈论人或物品所处的位置;在日常生活中使学生能用where did you find...I found.../He was in the kitchen这类句型谈论人或物品所处的位置。

Teaching steps:

Step 1: Warming up

1. Greeting.

2. 通过猜谜语导入本课。

Step 2: Lead in

1. Learn new words

2. 由chant巩固新单词。

Step3: Presentation

1. Learn the text.

Listen to the tape,then answer the questions.

(1)where is Sam?

(2)where is Lingling?

(3)where is John?

(4)where is Tom?

(5)what is Tom doing?

2.Role play

Step4: The consolidation of the practice.

1.Pair work

2.Play hide-and-seek.

Step 5 : Sum up

Step 6: Homework

1.Listen to the text 3 times and repeat the text.