Unit1 We lived in a small house 教案教学设计免费下载
Unit1 We lived in a small house 教案教学设计免费下载第1页

  M1U1 We lived in a small house.

  Step1 warm up

  1. Greetings---how are you?游戏

  2. Enjoy some pictures

T: Boys and girls, there are some photos on the screen,let's have a look.

T: Pic 1 ,do you know where is it?----ss:....

What about in the past? Look, this is the same place in 1980s.


T: Just now, from the pictures, can you think of one word to conclude it?

You can say it in Chinese.-----改变。

T: That's right. Xiamen has changed a lot. Our life becomes more and more beautiful. What about China? Does China changed a lot, too?? Let's learn more information from a programme.

-----教 life, Programme, 板书

T: Lingling is still in the Uk with Sam and Amy. ----板书still

What are they doing?=----They are watching TV.

Now, let's listen and find:

1) What is the programme about?

2) Was life different in China many years ago?

Step 2 presentation

1. Learn the text

T: It's about China. And just like the old lady said: Life was very different in China many years ago. But how was it different? Let's divide it into "ago" and "now"


Ago 以前 Now现在

T: If you want to compare ago and now, what will you think of ? 想一想你会从哪些方面来对比过去和现在的生活?---衣食住行

Ago 以前 Now现在





T: Now , you can open your book, P3 , please read paragraph 3, then find sentences about "now" to complete the blank.---2min

T; Let's check the answer. Let's look at the book. Look, the interviewer asks: How about now? Have you got it? 现在怎么样呢?Can you guess what is interviewer?--采访者。Yes, so write it down in Chinese. So , the lady answers:....边板书(有条件的话,制作成字条贴,让学生辨认,直接贴上去。)

T: Can you find out how is china many years ago? Please finish it by yourself.

------chenck the answer, 出示图片说明。

Listen and repeat