【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world project》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world project》第1页

Teaching objectives:

Ss will learn what a science fiction story is like and how to write a science fiction story.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 lead-in

Present a movie "X-Files" to tell Ss this kind of movie is based on the science fiction story.

* Brainstorming

* What do you imagine the future will be like?

* What do you think would make an interesting science fiction story?

Step 2 reading

> Skimming

Fill in the form

novel writer year plot Journey to the Center of the Earth The Time Machine Flying to Centaurus More information about the three writers:

* Jules Verne(1828-1905)

As a popular French writer, Jules Verne is regarded as the father of science fiction. His famous science fiction stories are: Journey to the Center of the Earth; Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days, Five Weeks in the Balloon, and From the Earth to the Moon.

* H G Wells(1866-1946)

As an English novelist, H G wells is well known for his science fiction stories, among which are The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, The War in the Air and The war of the Worlds.

* Zheng Wenguang(1929-2003)

He is regarded as the father of Chinese science fiction.

* Discussion:

* Have you read any of the stories mentioned in the reading?

* Which story sounds the most/least interesting to you? Why?

II Scanning

For the first summary:

1. Where do the German professor and his nephew travel to?

2. What do they see during their journey?

3. How do they come back to the world above?

For the second summary:

1. What has the scientist invented?

2. What does he find when he travels to year AD 802,701?

3. What is the world thirty million years into the future like?

For the third summary: