【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world 2》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world 2》第1页

I 词语辨析

1、come across / meet with / run into:均可以解释为:遇到、不期而遇

come across:偶然遇见、碰上......

e.g. I came across an old friend of mine on the street the other day.

While reading, she came across some interesting words.

meet with:1) 一般指经历、遭受"困难",后接抽象名词;

e.g. meet with an accident; meet with bad weather;

meet with failure; meet with one's refusal

但也可说:meet with success; meet with one's approval

2) 也可指"和......会晤";

e.g. The manager met with the candidates to decide how to settle the problem.

The two foreigners met with our principal and had a talk.

当解释为"不期而遇"时,可与come across互用。

run into:1)无意间碰到

e.g. She ran into her former husband and they talked.

Oh, I run into him now and then.

2) 撞上、和......相撞

e.g. Lost in thought, he nearly ran into a tree.

The boy ran into a car and was sent to hospital at once.

3) 陷入......(困难)

e.g. Our company has run into financial difficulties.

It is childish to run into danger for nothing.

2、question / ask

question:vt. (正式的)询问、盘问、提问、审问;怀疑

e.g. The teacher questioned the children on verbs.

The police were questioning the witnesses.

I question that he can run a marathon in two hours.


e.g. I will ask you about the text tomorrow.

Mother asked me to go to school at once.

She asked me to dinner and I accepted it.

3、novel / fiction

novel:(长篇)小说,与short story相对应,可以是完全杜撰的,也可以是有一定的事实根据而创作的文学作品。

e.g. a detective novel, a historical novel, a popular novel,


e.g. a science fiction, romantic fiction, a detective fiction

4、journey / trip / travel / voyage

journey:(c.n.) (长途陆路)旅行,旅程,行程

e.g. take a journey to ...:前往......