【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world reading 2》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world reading 2》第1页


T: From the text , we know that RealCine uses new technology to improve an existing type of entertainment. Could this technology be used in some other ways? Now, work in pairs and discuss with your partners. Five minutes later, I will collect your answer.

S1: I think it should be used to meet people all over the world. We have friends in many other places. Since we are busy studying at school, we don't have much time to communicate with our friends. If we can use this technology, we can communicate with our friends more often.

S2: I think it should be used to train drivers. As we know, private cars are becoming more and more popular among common people. To have access to driving cars, we should first get the driving license. For example, my dad has to go to the driving school once a week . But he is so busy that sometimes he couldn't take the classes. If the virtual reality can be used in our home, we needn't spend the valuable time going to the driving school. We just learn the skill at home.

T: Good idea! Thank you! You are really imaginative. I hope one day your dreams will come true. I know that you have understood the reading passage thoroughly. That's all for our reading part.

Language points

1、 With the rapid development of science and technology, some of our wildest dreams could come true in the future.(on page 41 )

come true:实现, 达到, 成真

come vi. 变成, 达到(某种状态)

e.g. 1、你的理想总有一天会实现. You dream will come true some day.

2、 门静悄悄地开了. The door came open quietly.

3、 鞋带松开了. The shoelace came undone.

come true/realize:均可表示"实现"的意思,但是

 come true是不及物动词短语,


 e.g. He realized his hope.他实现了他的愿望。

The fears were realized.恐惧成为事实。

His dream has come true.他的梦想变成了现实。


come about:发生,造成; come across:偶然遇见; come into being/existence:开始存在,建立;come into power:开始执政; come near:不亚于,差一点就; come off:脱落;come to:总汁;达到;苏醒; come to light:被发现,被大家知道; come to oneself: 恢复知觉; come up:走近,提出

e.g. 1、 你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?

    Can you tell me how the accident came about?


Mr. Smith came across a child sleeping under the bridge.
