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课题 Module2 Unit2 It will be snow in Harbin.



教学内容分析 本堂课的教学内容选自新标准英语三年级起点六年级下册第二模块第二单元,其主要内容是用It will句型来描述天气。

学情分析 本堂课的授课对象为6.1班的同学,他们虽已学英语几年,但由于周课时少,自己和家长的重视程度又不够,造成他们英语底子薄,兴趣不浓厚,前学后忘的现状。

教学目标 知识目标:1.理解并掌握sunny,cloudy,snow,rain等关于天气的单词。

2.理解并掌握句型It will(be)......

技能目标:学生能用句型It will(be)......描述天气。



3.养成时刻关注天气的好习惯。 教学重点 1.sunny,cloudy,snow,rain等关于天气的单词。

2.句型It will(be)...... 教学难点 1.动词和形容词描述天气时的使用区别。

2.学生能自由描述天气。 教法 任务教学法,游戏教学法,情景教学法,比赛激励法。 学法 自主学习,合作探究。 教学准备 cards,pictures,dice,PPT,CD-ROM。 教学过程



学生活动 Warm-up


Learn new text

(part 1)

(part 2)







Free talk.(What's your name?)(How are you?)(I'm a cashier.(buy things with hat.))

Last lesson,Our friend Simon,Daming and his mother had a

Picnic,right?What happend?(Show pictures and guide Ss speak out)

(Simon was hungry,but he only could have lunch at half past twelve,when the time was half past twelve,it was raining,ducks ate their lunch. )

Poor Simon,he didn't have any food,so children,what does the story tells us?


T:If we plan to go out,we must know the weather first.

Ok,children,Can you tell me the words about weather?


1. (Show pictures,review and read.)

2. Show picture of part1 ,and ask "What's she doing?"

Ss:She's reporting the weather.

3. T:Listen what is she saying?

(Play CD-ROM and have Ss answer questions: How many places are there?

Ss:Four, they are Harbin, Tianjin,Beijing,Nanning. (show pictures)

T:What's the weather like in these places?After listening,you can answer with one word.

What's the weather like in Harbin?

What's the weather like in Tianjin?

What's the weather like in Beijing?

What's the weather like in Nanning?

Ss:...(Guide out the whole sentence.)

4. Listen again and repeat.

5. Listen again , repeat and clap.

6. Role-play in groups.

7. Act out.(Now,I devided you into four groups,I'll give each group a sign of weather,if you do a good job,your group can move one step,and at last,I'll see which group is the best reporter.)

T:Well done,children,Let's play a memory game.

(Now,I'll give you 4 seconds to remember)Can you tell me the signs of the weather?



T:Well done,children,I plan to go out tomorrow,but,I don't know how is the weather,Can you help me ?Let's listen to the report.

T:Ok,children,please look here,and answer my question(

How many places are there?)

Ss:Four,they're Harbin,Beijing,Xi'an and Sanya.(Show pictures.)

T:What's the weather like in these places?After listening,you can answer with one word.

1.What's the weather like in Harbin?

2.What's the weather like in Beijing?

3.What's the weather like in Xi'an?

4.What's the weather like in Sanya?

(Guide Ss speak out the whole sentence.)

T:children,can you find the diffrence from the usage of verb and adjective?(Guide out the difficult points.)

T:Well done,children,Listen again and repeat.

(Ok,children,look at the map,and imitate the reporter.)

Role-play according to the map in groups.

Act out.

Activity1 T:Ok,children,are you happy?Do you want to play game?Let's play a guessing game.Now ,please look at the map,and then guess.

T:It will snow tomorrow,where am I?


T:You can play in your group.

Act out.

Activity2 T:You did a good job,(show a dice and ask"What's this?")Let's play another game,first,I'll tell you the rule.(first,you must play"rock,scissors,paper",if you win,you may play with the dice,like this,then,speak out you sentence.Clear?)

Play in class.

Play in group.

Act out.

Ok,children,let's look :which group is winner?today,we have learnt how to describe the weather,if you plant to go out ,you must know the weather first,ok?

Watch the weather report and make a plan for the weekend.Then tell the class about it.