2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:《Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China》教案period 4
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:《Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China》教案period 4第1页

Period 4 Listening and Vocabulary, Everyday English,

Cultural Corner, Speaking

课题 Period 4 Listening and Vocabulary, Everyday English,

Cultural Corner, Speaking

 课型 New 教学

目标 1. To help Ss predict what they'll hear about.

2. To help Ss improve their listening skills.

3. To know about the Industrial Revolution and the results it brought. 重点 Enable the Ss to know how to write. 难点 How to make proper use of words and phrases. 学情分析 The Ss can finish the task. 教具课件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer 教法 Individual work and discussion 教学程序 教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等) 师生

活动 时间分配 Step 1

Step 2


Step 4 Step 1. Revision

  Check answers to the exercises of homework.

Step 2. Listening and Vocabulary

1. Pre-listening

Ask Ss to look at the words in the box in Activity 1 and decide which words you think you will hear. (First, ask Ss to think about what great inventions the Chinese people made in the ancient time. Then get Ss to go over Activities 2& 3, the words that appear in the exercises can help Ss to make a prediction. )

2. While-listening

  (1) Ask Ss to listen to the tape and find out whether your predictions are right.

  Suggested Answers:

  invented, inventions, silk, farmers, leaves(leaf), soft, material, monk, clock, copy, bark, paper, afford, spread, printing, print, chemist, toothbrush, (only three words can not be heard: contribution, discovery, leather)

   (2) Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and match the dates with the inventions in Activity 2.

(3) Play the tape once again for Ss to let them complete these sentences in Activity 3.

3. Post-listening

  Ask Ss to say what they have learnt from the listening passage.

Step 3. Everyday English

1. Listening

  Ask Ss to listen to the Listening material and fill in the missing words

  (1) China has given the world many important inventions. , it is the first country in which silk was first invented.

  (2) Su Song was an eleventh century monk about whom very little is known. However, we do know that in 1092 AD he invented the first real clock. , it became possible .

(3) a man called Cai Lun made paper from the bark of a tree in about 105 AD. , he is a man of whom China can be proud.

Suggested Answers:

(1) To give an example (2) For the first time, to tell the time (3) They say that, If so

2. Explanation

  If necessary, give Ss some explanation to make sure they understand these expressions correctly.

3. Practice

  Ask Ss to use the expressions they heard in listening part to complete the conversations in Everyday English. Then ask Ss to read the conversations in pairs.

Step 4. Cultural Corner

1. Leading-in

  T: As we all know, the great inventions in ancient China changed the world greatly. So is the Industrial Revolution. What do you know about the Industrial Revolution?

2. Reading

  Ask Ss to read the text and fill in the missing information about Industrial Revolution in Europe.

 when where results Suggested Answers:

 when where results  in the second half of the 18th century  

 in Europe factories appeared; mass production became possible; people moved to the cities; the steam engine were invented; factory owners became more powerful than land owners 3. Language Points

(1) Often, factory workers lived in poor and crowded conditions.


in good/ poor condition 处于糟糕的/良好的状态

out of condition 健康状况不佳

He is overweight and out of condition. 他太胖了,健康状况不佳。

The car is still in good condition though it a used one.虽然是旧车但车况良好。

working /living /housing conditions 工作/生活/居住条件

on condition that 条件是...

You can go out to play on condition that you finish you homework.


(2) until then直到那时

(3) mass production 批量生产

Step 5. Speaking

1. Ask Ss to answer:

Q1. Who invented the steam engine?

Q2. Why do you think it is important?

2. Ask Ss to work in groups of four following the instructions of speaking on p46. Then call some group leaders to report their work. Ask Ss to express their opinions using the sentences in Function.

For your reference (Ss may give the following answers):

  ◆ The reason why I thinks cars are important is that they are fast. They don't need rails like the train.

  ◆ The planes are more important than cars and trains because they are much safer and faster. They don't even need roads.

  ◆ The maglev train is more important than the other means of transport because it is the fastest, and it is most environmentally friendly though it is very expensive. After all, we have only one Earth.

Step 6. Homework

  Ask Ss to revise the whole module and finish the rest of the exercises in the Workbook.

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