2018-2019学年度人教版必修六Unit 1 Art-learning about language教案
2018-2019学年度人教版必修六Unit 1 Art-learning about language教案第1页


  (授课日期: 年 月 日 星期 班级 )

1. Enable the students to use the Subjunctive mood correctly in different situations

2、过程与方法: Self-learning, cooperative-learning and task-based approaches.

3、情感态度与价值观:1) Get students to become interested in grammar learning.

          2)Develop students' sense of group cooperation. 重点难点 2. 重点:Get students to understand and use the Subjunctive mood correctly in different situations

3. 难点:Enable students to learn how to use the Subjunctive mood correctly in different situations

课型 □讲授 □习题 □复习 □讨论 □其它 教 学 内 容 设 计 因材施教 Step 1 Revision

Check the homework exercises.

Step 2 Presentation

At first, give the students an example to present what the subjunctive mood is and in what situation we should use the subjunctive mood. Then, show them the sentence structure of the subjunctive mood.

Ask Ss to listen to the example in the exercise book.

They use subjunctive mood. The subjunctive mood is used when we want to express a wish, request, recommendation or report of a command. Also the subjunctive mood is used to express something that is contrary to the fact, highly unlikely or doubtful.

We can use the following tow sentence structures to express our regretting.

Subject +wish+ Object Clause

Time Verb Objective clause now wish would do / could do / were /did past wished had been / done future wish would do/ could do / were / did "If" clause---, main clause

Time Verb Main Clause Now were/ did would/could/should/might +V(原)

Past had done would/could/should/might+have+p.p.

Futrue were /did would/could/should/might +V(原)

were to do should do Step 3 Practice

First, show the Ss some more situations. Then raise some questions and ask them to discuss in groups of 4 the according to the situations using the subjunctive mood. At last, get them to show their sentences

Show the on the screen.

Step 4 Consolidation

Ask the Ss to do Exercise 1 & 2 in Discovering useful structures on page 4 and Exercises 1-4 on page 43.Then check the answers.

Step5 Homework

Prepare for the Listening and Talking on page 7.