2020版高考新创新一轮复习英语北师大版学案:选修8 Unit 24 Society Word版含解析
2020版高考新创新一轮复习英语北师大版学案:选修8 Unit 24 Society Word版含解析第1页

  Unit 24 Society





1.inequality n.        不平等

2.abortion n. 堕胎,人工流产

3.household n. 一个家庭

4.currency n. 货币

5.taxpayer n. 纳税人

6.ownership n. 所有权

7.rag n. 破旧衣服

8.bare adj. 赤裸的

9.pension n. 退休金,养老金

10.pregnant adj. 怀孕的

11.format n. 格式

12.leisure n. 闲暇,空闲

13.framework n. 结构,构架

14.feast n. 盛宴,宴会

15.merchant n. 商人

16.collision n. 相撞

17.fountain n. 喷泉,喷水池

18.poster n. 海报

19.fragrant adj. 有香味的

20.spoonful n. 一匙之量

21.revenge n. 复仇,报复

22.swing vi. 摇动 23.spiritual adj.     宗教的,教会的;精神的

24.prayer n. 祈祷,祷告


1.deposit vt. & vi.     存储,储蓄

2.burden n. 重担,负担

3.vacant adj. 未住人的,空置的

4.resign vt. & vi. 辞职

5.delete vt. 删除

6.choke vi. 窒息,噎住

7.shrink vi. (使)收缩,缩小

8.virtue n. 优点,长处

9.skip vt. 跳过

10.cast vt. 投下

11.undertake vt. 着手做,从事

12.squeeze vt. 挤

13.fine n. 罚款

14.sentence n. 判决

15.abolish vt. 废除

16.moreover adv. 再者,此外

17.furthermore adv. 此外,而且

18.homelessness n. 无家可归

19.accumulate v. 积累

20.rot vt. & vi. 腐烂 Ⅲ.拓展单词(通其变)

1.voluntary adj.自愿的→volunteer v.自愿做n.志愿者

2.abundant adj.大量的→abundance n.大量

3.signature n.签名→sign v.签名;打手势n.招牌;迹象;符号

4.govern vt.统治,管理→governor n.统治者,总督→government n.政府

5.adjustment n.调整,调节→adjust vt.调整,调节vi.使适应

6.elect vt.选举,推选→election n.选举;当选;选择权

7.merciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的→mercy n.宽容,仁慈

8.thirst n.口渴→thirsty adj.口渴的

9.consequently adv.所以,因此→consequent adj.作为结果的;必然的→consequence n.结果,后果

10.resistance n.反抗,抵制→resist vi. & vt. 抵(反)抗,抵制

11.robbery n.抢劫→rob vt.抢劫→robber n.抢劫犯

12.diverse adj.各种各样的;不同的→diversity n.各种各样;多样性 [语境活用]

1.Several robbers robbed the bank of an enormous sum of money, making the largest robbery of this city in the last decade.(robbery)

2.With the improvement of environment, diverse plants and animals appear in this area. And the diversity of creatures attracts more and more tourists.(diverse)

3.In the latest election,_Mary was elected chairwoman of the Students' Union.(elect)

4.To adjust herself to the study abroad, she had to make some necessary adjustments to her habits.(adjustment)

5.I'm really thirsty and only ice water can quench (解渴) my thirst.(thirst)

6.It is the governor of the city who governs the city. And he is a candidate for central government.(govern)

7.Being a volunteer can benefit us a lot. So we should play an active part in voluntary activities.(voluntary)