2020版高考新创新一轮复习英语北师大版学案:选修8 Unit 23 Conflict Word版含解析
2020版高考新创新一轮复习英语北师大版学案:选修8 Unit 23 Conflict Word版含解析第1页

  Unit 23 Conflict






1.friction n.       不和,冲突

2.recipe n. 配方;食谱

3.holy adj. 圣洁的

4.memorial n. 纪念碑

5.minister n. 部长,大臣

6.civilian n. 平民

7.prejudice n. 偏见

8.racial adj. 种族之间的

9.community n. 社区

10.alcoholic n. 酗酒者,酒鬼

11.laundry n. 洗衣房;要洗的衣服

12.antique n. 古董

13.statesman n. 政治家

14.westwards adv. 向西

15.sculpture n. 雕刻,雕塑

16.commercial n. (电视)广告

17.theoretical adj. 理论的

18.compass n. 指南针,罗盘

19.allowance n. _零用钱;津贴

20.slavery n. 奴隶制度

21.frontier n. 边境,边界 22.surgeon n.         外科医生

23.confidential adj. 秘密的

24.firework n. 烟花,烟火


1.betray_vt.        出卖,背叛

2.justice n. 正义,公正

3.compromise n. 妥协,让步

4.departure n. 离开,离去

5.classify vt. 把......分类

6.subscribe_vi. 订阅(杂志或报纸)

7.tip n. 有用的建议

8.contradict vt. 反驳,纠正

9.greet vt. 问候,致意

10.sob vi. 抽泣,呜咽

11.unconscious adj. 失去知觉的

12.swear vi. 发誓

13.acquaintance n. 相识的人

14.sponsor vt. 赞助

15.despite prep. 不管

16.stable adj. 稳固的

17.draft vt. 起草

18.expense n. 费用,开支 Ⅲ.拓展单词(通其变)

1.immigration n.移居;移民入境→immigrate vi.移入→immigrant n.移民

2.expose vt.暴露;使置身于危险中→exposure n.暴露

3.appoint vt.任命,委任→appointment n.任命,委任;约定→appointed adj.约定的

4.possession n.私有物品→possess vt.拥有;占有

5.representative n.代表→represent vt.代表

6.distribute vt.分发,分配→distribution n.分配;配给

7.consume vt.喝;消费,消耗→consumer n.消费者→consumption n.消费

8.strengthen vt.(使)变强,加强→strength n.力量;力气→strong adj.强壮的

9.intend vt.想要,打算→intention n.意图;意向;目的

10.socialism n.社会主义→socialist n.社会主义者 adj.社会主义的→society n.社会

11.furnished adj.配有家具的→furnish v.(在房屋等)布置家具;提供

12.adolescent adj.青春期的 n.青少年→adolescence n.青少年时期

13.remark v.谈到;谈论,评论 n.谈论,评论→remarkable adj.不平常的 [语境活用]

1.The man looks strong,_but he has no strength to lift the heavy box. He needs to strengthen his body.(strength)

2.The Red Cross is distributing food and clothing to the refugees. The distribution of food and clothing makes them moved to tears.(distribute)

3.Since he is a representative of our company, what he says and what he does represent our company.(representative)

4.Xiao Li made an appointment with the manager and arrived at the appointed time. Later, he was appointed as a more important post.(appoint)

5.He is said to be a Tuhao. This luxury car is in the possession of him. He also possesses several other cars.(possess)

6.Prolonged (长久的) exposure to harmful radiation will cause great harm to your health, so never expose yourself to it.(expose)

7.Tom intended to give his mum a surprise for her birthday. Therefore, he tried his best to hide his intention,_and at last he made it.(intend)

8.Obama made a remarkable speech after being elected president a second time. His remarks_ inspired many American people.(remark)