外研版小学英语四年级下册m3u1Robots will do everything
外研版小学英语四年级下册m3u1Robots will do everything第1页

年级 四 科目 英语 时间 年 月 日 主备教师: 朱翠芬

课 题 M4U1 Robots will do everything. 课型 新授 课时 1 三

标 教学目标:1 听懂课文,听准、读准单词发音。

2.用"will "谈论将来可能发生的事;




难点 1. 用"will"谈论将来可能发生的事情。



性研究 搜集有关robots的知识,了解robots都有哪些功能。 教学过程设计 个人拓展 一. Warmer


T:Good morning!Everyone!

S:Good morning,Ms Yao!

T:How are you?


T:What date is today?

S:Today is Tuesday.

2.Do "TPR"活动"Do as I say"。我边下指令边做动作,例如:"run, jump ,play football,play basketball,play the flute,write a letter,make a cake,wash clothes,watch TV".

二.Lead in

1.Teacher shows a picture about robot and asks:What is this?(引出单词robot) Do you like robots? why?

. 2.教师根据学生的回答对机器人进行描述:

Because robots can help us.They can sing .They can dance.They can talk.One day,robots will do everything!(依次引出词组及单词one day,everything,housework,learn,our,homework并进行教授。)

3.Draws a robot on the blackboard and say: Look,here is a robot,What will they do? 由此引入新课。

三.Learn text

1.Shows picture about this unit,Gets students listen to the dialogue about Daming and Sam.

2.Teacher asks some questions:

a.What can robots do? 新 课 标第 一 网

b.Will robots do the housework?

c.Will robots help children learn?

d.Will robots do homework for children?

3.Listen to the tape agin and read the text, then answer questions.

4.According to students'answers,teacher write some key sentences:It can walk/talk.(并引导学生替换句子中的单词"walk",造出其他句子。)They will do the housework.(略)

5.Read key sentences together,then read in groups.

6.将学生分成几人一组,自由谈论,用上句型"robots will do..."


三.Do some practice.