








  Last week, there was a program calling "Learning to Respect Our Parents" in our school. That is known to us that respect for one's parents is one of Chinese traditional moral value. And most students nowadays are "the only child". We often think of themselves as the center of their family.

   As for the program, eight "dos" have worked out for the students to follow. For an example, we are advised to remember our parents' birthdays. Beside this, it is necessary that we should also tell our parents what we are going to do when we go out. The program has been such successful that it has been high praised by many people.


  Last week, there was a program "Learning to Respect Our Parents" in our school. is known to us that respect for one's parents is one of Chinese traditional moral . most students nowadays are "the only child". often think of themselves as the center of their family.

  As for the program, eight "dos" have worked out for the students to follow. For example, we are advised to remember our parents' birthdays. this, it is necessary that we should also tell our parents what we are going to do when we go out. The program has been successful that it has been praised by many people.
